

封城第十三天 时间:2020.2.6


永远也不知道明天会发生什么。数不清日子写了两篇封城十一天的日记,似乎真的对时间混乱了。 昨日老妈唠叨说如果停水停电了怎么弄,早上一睁眼???停水了,家附近的一个水管爆裂不知道和加入的氯气有没有关系,自来水厂工作人员说可能要1~2天才能修好。超市的队伍排出了大门排到了马路有2米多长,货架都已经空了,只好找熟人买了一件矿泉水烧了壶水就用了6瓶。回来的时候小区前用钢管在进行封闭,听说以后两周不能出门。之前传播的在公园吐水的视频,警方已经找到当事人原来是神经有问题。昨晚突然降温,白天开窗大风呼啸瑟瑟发抖,好友说豆瓣停了日记功能,赶紧打开一时不知道说什么好,是委曲求全还是卑躬屈膝,害,也不能说什么。 新闻还是一片祥和,又有治愈的出院了(没住上的也没办法),新开的方舱医院应收尽收(18—65),股市上涨资本市场稳定。

没有想到的是每晚必看的新闻1+1今天最开始就讲了我们这个七线县城,更没有想到的是所在的地级市一句也不提可能是对于情况不甚了解可能是新官上任无所适从总之说话很飘和后来的潜江书记形成了强烈的对比,明明已经捉襟见肘还是之说N95。也是,医疗队什么的确实太难了。从武汉和浙江看,精英主导利弊太明显了,有好的领导人民跟着享福,有不称职的领导人民自己扛着,也许有些失妥,大概是这个意思,一人说了算对一人的要求真的很高,能力越大责任越大。 还有某地医院护士上班后回不了小区,物业说身上有病毒细菌。有人说那些“逃出武汉”的人好歹可以得到救治,留在城里的人就只能赌博。

Translation authorized by the author.

The 13th Day of Wuhan Lockdown Time: 2020.2.6

Location: A seven-tier county town in Hubei Province

We never know what will happen tomorrow. Having lost count of the lockdown dates, I wrote two diary articles of the 11th day of lockdown. It seems that I am really confused about time. Yesterday mom blathered on about the possibilities of water outages. This morning when I open my eyes, our water supply has been cut off due to a burst of a water-pipe nearby. I am not sure whether this burst is partially due to the added chlorine. The staff of the water work tell us that it will possibly take them 1 to 2 days to repair the damaged water pipe. The supermarket queue has extended for more than 2 meters from the entrance to the open road. All the selves are empty when I reach there. An acquaintance of mine buys one pack of mineral water (24 bottles) for me. However, I have used six bottles of water to boil only one kettle. On my way back to home, I see that the service staff of our residential community is locking down our community with steel tube. I heard that we will not be allowed to go out in the coming two weeks. Regarding to the posted video in which a person spit out water in the park, the police found that the man suffers from mental disorder. Last night, the temperature fell drastically. Today when I open the window, I tremble greatly as the gale blowing and howling outside. My good friend tells me that Douban has banned the use of Diary for Douban users. I hurriedly open Douban’s website. I really don’t know what to say about this. Whether Douban’s operation is a compromise or grovelling to the power. I can’t say anything. In our news, everything is in peace, order and harmony. Again, there are people cured and discharged from hospitals (People who are ill but refused by the hospital can’t do nothing). The newly-built Fangcang hospital has received all the patients that they are capable of treatment (18-65). The stock market is rising as usual and the capital market is steady and stable.

I haven’t expected that the news program 1+1 which I watch every night today starts with the reports about our seven-tier county town. I even haven’t expected that the officer of our prefecture city says nothing about the coronavirus outbreak. Maybe they know little about the situation. Maybe the newly-promoted officers don’t know what to do. Anyway, their shallow words on the situation are sharply contrast to the Secretary of Qianjiang City. Apparently, they have nothing to say, hence focusing on the N95 mask. It is true that the medical teams are in unprecedent difficulty. Based on the situation of Wuhan city and Zhejiang province, it is clear that the elite-led regime has palpable pros and cons. A good leader enables people to enjoy life, while the irresponsible leader leaves great burden to his people. Maybe what I said is not accurate, but generally speaking, I mean this. High requirements are necessary for the absolute ruler who has the power. With great power, comes great responsibility. Besides, a nurse can’t go back to her residential community after she finishes her work that day. The staff of the property management says that they refuse her entering just because she carries virus bodily. Some people say that people who successfully “escaped” from Wuhan at least can be accepted and cured by hospitals, while people who stay in Wuhan can only gamble their lives under the lockdown.
